I’ve known Clare Bell for a long time, she’s one of those people you know are remarkable when you first meet them, even if you don’t yet know why.
Rather than embarrass Clare with a list of her qualities, many and various, I will say just this, in all her dealings, business and personal, and in her writing, it is obvious she is lit from within, by love.
Enjoy her blog, check out her Facebook posts, and find her at clare@clarebell.co.uk
Watching the excited dog, eagerly zoning in on his tail going for the chase like crazy just to burn himself out, he never catches the tail or the prize - does this sound familiar, could that be you that is chasing your tail?
We are systemised to go bigger, better faster more, consumerisedfrom a young age, via peers, TV, social media to aim for the next craze, the best toy, the convenient gadget, the job, the promotion, the raise - all of this is pinned on reward, gratification, satisfaction…….or is it, could it just possibly be a sugary coated dopamine “HIT” and a false existence of positive productivity?
Take the proverb of 12 rabbits in a field, we simply burn ourselves out if we focus on not one, but focus on catching them all - surely we will never catch a rabbit in the first place, or that’s what it feels like when life looks like an unconquerable mountain.
Metaphorically speaking the rabbits will scatter and we would go randomly after the one that looks like its a possibility, then we switch focus onto the next one and the next one, until all seem unachievable, we end up with none and completely exhausted in the process.
Similarly, lets focus our efforts on just the one rabbit, we have a strategy, we proceed with passion and we get the rabbit in our sight, our efforts pay off and we realise that we can achieve this, one by one we catch the rabbits, refining the process, growing in confidence, self belief and skills - welcome to the rabbits of life and chasing rainbows.
During my many years as a business coach and consultant, I have listened intently at the passion of many, abundant ideas, burning ambition, razor focus, incredible energy and drive, I’ve witnessed the peaks and troughs of successful individuals, senior managers, business owners and teams, the one common thread in all of this has been that at some point all of those individuals have run headlong into “chasing the rabbits” mode, got caught up in the vortex of chasing success, when all they were chasing at that point was their tail.

Why do we chase the tail, what are we actually running for, what are we running towards, who sets the pace?
We are the ones who make the decision, its all our choice but why do we fizz ourselves into such a frenzy?
Well, that could be due to the way that we are programmed - from a young age we are systemised to work in “chase and create” from school, if you, like me were unlucky enough to endure the process from almost toddler to adult and that’s a long time of fine tuning conditioning! We are taught academic education, the design of this system is read, retain and regurgitate information and then work hard towards getting praised for this through examination, a system that tells us if we are smart or not, smart or not to be primed to work in its environs when we leave the system to get ready for the next system - JOB
We are put under pressure, homework! Do this or there will be a penalty, we are up at the coal face digesting useless information for several hours a day, then to go home and start it all over again…… let me ask you this - What for?
This system creates anxiety, if we don’t do it we will be in trouble, we will be penalised, if we copy we will be penalised and this theme and thread run right though life, if of course we don’t stop, smell the coffee, smell the flowers, stop to connect to our selves and run endlessly, aimlessly on the systemised autopilot, the one thing we must never forget to do is LOVE and that means starting with ourselves, its important to not get lost amongst the centrifuge of live, but we so often do and the result of not doing this is detrimental to all of life, all of our life.
For love in its pure essence runs through all of us, it is our very own beating heart - the heart that connects the brain and the gut, a super highway of information running through the most complex, sophisticated system in the universe, yet time after time we chose to ignore it as we haven’t really grown to understand it.
Isn’t love just what we’ve learnt about on TV, that first kiss, the first rush of passion, hell no! Love is far deeper, scientific and beautiful and why don’t we know this, why? Because if a majority of the human race were connected to their soul and working from a platform of love and authenticity we would be an indomitable force of pure empowerment and that’s both an incredibly beautiful concept and a stark threatening danger - depending of course, on what side of the fence you are looking at this from.
So, dear reader - this piece is written from love and designed to get you thinking, thinking about you, what fires you up, what drives you to be you and are you content with the pathway that you have decided to walk down, or isn’t this your path?
Only you have the answer to that question.
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